Challah Live 3.0
Chanukah 5782
the gallery
From London to Las Vegas, 25 Jews gathered in a pub on the 5th night of Chanukah in north London to attend the first in-person Challah Live event.
We had the opportunity to publicise the miracle of Chanukah by lighting the Chanukiah in a public venue, followed by an evening of storytelling in front of the flames with drinks and doughnuts in hand.
From oral stories of moving to Golders Green from Las Vegas, what inclusivity can look like through different lenses, folk tales with a modern twist, and personal improv from our crowd...to anonymised stories, thoughts and impressions written under the candlelight and over a brew.
Whichever way you participated, thank you for contributing to a special evening. To those that we missed, we hope to see you at the next Challah Live event!
Enjoy the gallery below of our storytellers and the anonymous notes left by our attendees.
- The Challah Team

stories & testimonials